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Burrington Sports

Year 4/5 World Cup Netball Festival

Thursday 29th June 2023 : Bristol Grammar School

We took a squad of 9 to this developmental festival at BGS on Thursday.  8 schools attended and participated in a mixture of skills and matches.  The children learned some skills from a couple of ex-North Somerset Pupils (Sydney and Madz) who have gone through the netball pathway and play at a high level.  They did a passing exercise with the children before we went off to play a match against Haywood Village.  Both schools played well with Haywood Village winning 4 .  However, the best goal in this game by far was from our Bella H!

Sydney and Madz then did a shooting exercise with the children before going into our game against Portishead.  This was such a match which resulted in a well-deserved 1-1 draw.  Bella J managed to get our goal.

Our final match was against Backwell and we played 4 quarters to give the children this experience.  This was another evenly contested match which also resulted in a draw 3-3.  Our goals came from Bella H (2) and Oakley.

During the morning, the children got to play in all positions as we rotated the squad players and positions every half (every quarter in the final match).  The teamwork and determination of our players was excellent and I was very pleased with eveyone’s attitude and contribution. 

Thank you to NSSPEA for organising the event, Sydney and Madz for supporting the event, BGS for hosting the event and the Churchill and Langford Minibus for taking us.

Amber, Bella H, Bella J, Eden, Elsie, Emily, Oakley, Pixie and Tehya – please take a bow!


NSSPEA Mini Tennis Competition : Wednesday 28th June 2023

Two teams attended the Mini Tennis competition at Winscombe Tennis Club on Wednesday.

Following a warm up led by Mike Cook of Winscombe Tennis Club, our teams played each other which was a great start and very close! 

Our teams then played St Anne’s.  There was some great tennis played by both schools and this ended in a draw.

We played St Francis in our final matches who had a number of excellent club players.  It was good to see the skills on show.

Thank you to NSSPEA for organising the event, Mike Cooke at Winscombe Tennis Club for hosting, Grant Attwood for coming along to support the teams and Bluey for taking us.

I am so proud of our children who behaved impeccably.  They played with passion, self believe and determination.  There were honest and showed respect to everyone.  Thank you children you were a credit to our school and to your parents.

Emily, Henry, Lewis, Milo, Noah, Oakley, Pixie and Teyha – please take a bow! 


Year 5/6 Dynamos Cricket : Wednesday 7th June 2023

A team of 8 cricketers represented school at the above event held at Uphill Cricket Club and run by North Somerset Schools PE Association on Wednesday.

Our team were well prepared as Mrs Louise Morris and Jane had been running a lunchtime club and KS2 children had been learning dynamos cricket during their PE lessons.

Our first match was against Worle Village and our team made a good start.  Worle didn’t get anything from Rufus’ bowling which was excellent throughout the tournament.  We were pleased to win 102 to 53.

The second match was against St Anne’s West Wick.  Although we got the most wickets and the best boundary streak, unfortunately we lost 74 to 85.  The highlight of this game was Ewan performing an amazing catch, which made everyone clap.    

The match against St Anne’s Hewish was our closest game which went down to the last ball. We lost 92 95.  Henry scored a 6 in this game against a very tall team.  Theo was steady throughout and hurt his fingers during the break but still played on. 

Our last game was against Wrington.  Charlie’s bowling improved game on game and he was rewarded with a wicket in this game.  Oakley did well with his decision-making – choosing to throw the ball rather than run to the wicket.  Luke was a fantastic captain and brought his long barrier skill into the game.   Stan was superb throughout in batting, where he scored lots of 4s and 6s, bowling and his effort with fielding was second to none.  All of our players scored a boundary in at least one match.  Well done team.

The team were a pleasure to take to this event.  We had a couple of comments about the sportsmanship of our boys from the organisers, which made the two Mrs Morris’ very happy and proud.

We would like to thank NSSPEA for organsing and running the event, Churchill and Langford Minibus for taking us.  Special thanks to Mrs Louise Morris and Jane for running the club, which the children are very much enjoying.

Charlie, Ewan, Henry, Luke, Oakley, Rufus, Stan and Theo – please take a bow!




FA Biggest Ever Football Festival : Friday 28th April

 The Year 4/5 Girls had a fantastic morning out at Bristol Grammar School this morning at the FA’s Biggest Ever Football Festival.   The festival was for girls new to football and those not already accessing extra-curricular and community sessions. 

 The Young Sports Leaders at St Katherine’s Secondary School ran some training sessions for the girls in between playing some 7 a side matches.  We played games against St Francis, Flax Bourton, All Saints and Yeo Moor.  In our matches with Flax Bourton and All Saints, the opposition chose the Player of the Match and these were Pixie (against Flax Bourton) and Bella J (against All Saints).    All the girls thoroughly enjoyed the morning and the difference from game 1 to game 4 was remarkable.  In fact, the NSSPEA staff commented on this.

 Many thanks to NSSPEA for organising the event, to St Katherine’s Young Leaders for running the training sessions, BLUEY for taking us, Mrs Louise Morris for coming along to support us. 

 Amber, Bella J, Elsie, Emily, Pixie and Tehya – you really were all awesome – please take a bow!

 NSSPEA Small School Sportshall Athletics : Wednesday 11th January 2023

We had a very enjoyable afternoon at Hutton Moor on Wednesday participating in the Sportshall Athletics.  All children had the chance to do 2 track (including sprint relay and obstacle relay) and 2 field events (including speed bounce, standing long jump and soft javelin.  Everyone did really well and I was so proud of everyone’s effort, passion, determination and teamwork.  It was a pleasure to take the children and every child’s behaviour was excellent.  Thanks for North Somerset Schools PE Association for organising the event and special thanks to Jane for coming with us to support.

 Bella, Daisy, Dan, Elsie, Emily, Henry, James, Luke, Rufus, Stan and Teyha – please take a bow!

 North Somerset Schools PE Association Christmas Speed Stacking & Kurling Festival : 7th December 2022

A team of 8 children joined Mrs Alvey and I for the NSSPEA Christmas Speed Stacking and Kurling on Wednesday 7th December.  It was a fun event and the children had the opportunity to take part in an agility relay, speed stacking and kurling. Teyna and Bella were the stars in the speed stacking, and Elsie was definitely the one to watch in the kurling.  All the children were a credit to school with their behaviour and enthusiasum.  Special thanks to Zak for stepping in at the last minute due to illness.  Thanks to NSSPEA for organising the event and to Mrs Alvey for taking us on the minibus and supporting the children at the event. 

Amber, Bella, Eden, Elwood, Elsie, Thom, Teyha and Zak – please take a bow!  


North Somerset Schools PE Association Cross Country : 12th October 2022

Maple Class participated in the cross country competition at Bristol Grammar School on Wednesday. 

Well done to everyone who took part.  Congratulations on your self-belief and determination to finish!  A massive shout out to Thom who showed such perseverance to finish the race – I hope you are proud of yourself. 

Congratulations to Bella who finished 7th in the Y5 Girls’ Race.  She has been invited to run for TEAM North Somerset at the Inter-area cross country in November.  Well done Bella and good luck next month. 


Year 3/4 Transition Multi-skills : 5th October 2022

On Wednesday, Oak Class participated in the North Somerset Schools PE Association Y3/4 Transition Multi-Skills Event.  We excitedly boarded the minibuses to Hutton Moor. 

We started with a tennis workshop where the challenges got increasingly more difficult.  Zak shone in these activities.

We then moved to a cup-stacking workshop, which was a favourite for many of the children.  After the children had had a practice, they were then able to have a go against the clock.  Our children did really well and our top three stackers were Peter 4.91, Poppy 4.21 and our overall winner was Bella with 3.62. 

After a short break, we moved to the other end of the hall where we moved around a selection of multi-skills activities including skittles, golf, curling etc. There were many fantastic skills on show here.

Well done Oak Class – you did Burrington proud – please take a bow!


Bee Netball Festival : Wednesday 28th September

A selection of children from Maple Class were chosen to represent school in a netball festival on Wednesday at Bristol Grammar School.  Mrs Alvey kindly took us on the minibus and supported the children during the event.  Thank you so much Mrs Alvey!

We played 4 games – 7 minutes each half and we had to rotate the positions every half so all children played in all positions. 

We played Churchill Primary in our first match and were winning 2 – 0 at half time with Bella scoring both goals.  Tehya (Goal Attack) and Theo (Goal Shooter) each scored a goal in the second half resulting in a 4 – 0 win! 

Our second game was against Worle Village.  They couldn’t cope with Stan who was playing Goal Shooter and scored 4 goals.  Worle Village also got a goal first half so it was 4 – 1 to us at the break.  Daniel came on second half in the Goal Attack position and scored so the final score was Burrington 5, Worle Village 2.

We played Portishead in our third game and this was a much tougher opposition.  We were losing 1 – 0 at half time and conceded a further 3 goals second half.  We lost 4 – 0 in this match.

We dusted ourselves down for the final game against St Francis.  The score was 1 – 0 to St Francis in the first half and no goals were scored second half.  This was a very tight game and it was a shame we couldn’t get a goal back.

We all had a great time and Mrs Morris was very proud of everyone and there were a lot of positives to take away.

Bella scored a couple of good goals and her passing was solid.  Daniel was very eager to get the ball back once it was lost.  Great determination.  In fact, the teacher from Portishead congratulated him on his performance during our game against them!  Emily did well finding space and intercepting passes.  James make some key passes to get the ball up to our goal circle.  Luke was good at finding space and worked very hard in all games.  Pixie improved with every match and gained an understanding the game.  Tehya’s goal was the Burrington goal of the day.  This was amazing as she hadn’t played netball before.  Stan was my player of the festival – always working hard, passing well, creating space and, of course, scoring some lovely goals.  Theo assisted goals with good build up play.

Bella, Daniel, Emily, James, Luke, Pixie, Tehya, Stan and Theo – please take a bow.


Active Summer Challenge 2022

Summer is here and what better way to step into the sunshine than celebrating the fantastic sports events happening in July and August. From UEFA’s Women’s EURO 2022 to the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, it promises to be a summer full of excitement!

This year has seen a welcome return to the physical activity in schools, PE lessons, break time games, school sport and after school clubs. We want to build on this and encourage our children to step into their own Active Summer Challenge. The summer holidays present the perfect opportunity for time together, enjoying the weather and taking a rest from the usual routine.

The Active Summer Challenge will help children be active every day by setting their own pledge and taking part in the six weekly challenges.

How do you set the activity pledge?

  • The aim should be to reach the Chief Medical Officer's guidelines for physical activity. This is 60 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous activity or a minimum of 20 minutes a day for children with a disability. You can build up to 60 or 20 minutes across the day – it doesn’t need to be in one burst. 
  • Choose an activity – or different activities – that are enjoyable. Having fun is a key motivator for children, so supporting them to plan a fun activity, perhaps linking up with friends and family, or something you could do alongside them, would help keep them engaged.  
  • The pledge can be simple – it might be participating in the daily mile, playing their favourite sport, walking to and playing in their local park with friends, doing a set number or minutes of an action like star jumps, doing all the 10 minute Summer Shake Upactivities in the holidays.
  • Use the pledge tracker to write down the pledge and record what activity takes place every day. There’s a certificate available when the children return to school in September to celebrate children’s achievements. 

Here are the weekly challenges for the 6 week holidays:

KS1 - Week 1

KS2 - Week 1

KS1 - Week 2

KS2 - Week 2

KS1 - Week 3

KS2 - Week 3

KS1 - Week 4

KS2 - Week 4

KS1 - Week 5

KS2 - Week 5

KS1 - Week 6

KS2 - Week 6

Here is the activity trackers.  Come and see Mrs Morris when you return to school in September with your sheets!  Certificates will be awarded.

Activity Tracker KS1

Activity Tracker KS2


We are very proud of the PE and Sport that takes place at Burrington Primary school.

The children are given a wide range of opportunities to take part in a variety of sport and physical activity.

We are excited to report that this academic year we have received the School Games GOLD Award. 


The National Curriculum requires all children leaving Primary School are able to swim at least 25 metres.

At Burrington Primary School we believe swimming is a hugely important life skill and children across the school go to Churchill Academy for swimming lessons. Our very popular swimming Gala takes place at Sidcot school in the summer and all children take part.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

Throughout the year we provide children with the opportunity to take part in many sporting extra-curricular clubs.

The clubs included are:

hockey, football, multi-sports and netball.

Future Stars run an after-school sports club on Fridays.





It's been over 18 months since Burrington last participated in a local cluster sporting event. so it was with great excitement that Maple took part in a Multi-Skills Event today. Although this festival was non-competitive, the children were encouraged to beat their own personal scores and encourage others in the true spirit of sport. 

It was wonderful to observe so many children shining at different events. Cecily stormed the rowing event, Robyn rocked the javelin throw, Daniel and Stan are our next 'sharp shooters', Adam and Finley tied in the target throw whilst Stan got the best speed bounce result. The children thoroughly enjoyed all the events, but the virtual laser relay event stole the show and got the most cheers. 

Thank you to Mrs Alvey for not only driving us to St Katherine's Academy in Pill, but more importantly, providing us with celebration cake.