Safeguarding is always a priority at Burrington C of E Primary School.
Staff and Governors are trained in many different aspects of safeguarding including Basic awareness training, specialist training for Safeguarding Leads, Child Sexual Exploitation, Prevent (Anti radicalisation), Domestic Violence and other areas such as bereavement, to name but a few. Safeguarding training updates take place at least annually. Policies and procedures are continually updated to reflect new guidance and best practice. All staff are aware of their important role and responsibilities in keeping children safe. Work directly with children of all ages such as special assemblies, visits from charities (such as Childline/NSPCC), Life skills workshops and curriculum activities enhance children's understanding of this.
The Designated safeguarding Lead is Sarah Joskey (Headteacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding lead is Julie Cottis (Deputy)
Other members of the safeguarding team are: Tracey Jones (SENCO) and Rosie Price (Learning Mentor)
The Safeguarding Governor is Amanda Price
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. If you have concerns about the welfare of a child, please speak to any of us.
One aspect of safeguarding is E-Safety. Oscar Chambers-Smith, our E-Safety Co-ordinator and Graeme Wilson, our E-safety Governor, are currently reviewing our E-safety provision in school, invloving children, staff and parents.
Each year group has their own E-Safety scheme of work which they follow as part of the curriculum. Other opportunities to address E-Safety issues are seized such as our whole school Internet Safety Day, Collective Worship and Circle Time sessions.
Regular updates are provided for parents in order to raise awareness of changing E-safety issues. The school sends home an E-Safety publication for parents giving advice and guidance and E-safety workshops run by the staff/police are organised for parents, other members of the community and our older students. We are currently working towards our '360 degree E-safety mark'.
For further advice and guidance, follow this link to the Think U Know website.
All volunteers to school having unsupervised access to children are subject to a DBS check and are expected to read the Safeguarding policy and the Guidance for Safer Working Practices booklet (see below).
Click here to download the document Guidance for Safer Working Practice
Click here to view our E-safety Policy
For further useful documents and links related to safeguarding, visit the USEFUL LINKS heading on the PARENTS tab.