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Burrington Primary School

Staff Team

Headteacher, RE Lead

Ms Sarah Joskey

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs LJ Annandale


Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Ms Sarah Joskey (DSL)

Mrs LJ Annandale (DDSL)

Maple Class Teacher/English, History & Geography Lead/Staff Governor

Mrs LJ Annandale

Cherry Class Teachers/PSHE, PE and Maths leads

Mrs B Kuipers

Mrs L Bourton

Oak Class Teacher and Science and Computing leader

Ms J Dodd


Mrs T Jones

Early Years Practitioner and After-School Supervisor

Mrs C Rooney

Learning Mentor 

Mrs M Allen

Teaching Assistants

Mrs L Morris

Mrs T Russell

Mrs F Licata

Jane Pittman (volunteer in Maple)

Administrator and Breakfast Club Supervisor

Mrs M Hodgkinson


Mrs V Watkins

Forest School Leader

 Mrs B Kuipers

Lunch time staff:

Mrs C Husher, Mrs M Betteridge, Mrs S Gulliford.

After School Club Leader

Mrs C Rooney