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Burrington Primary School


At Burrington, we believe it is vital to reward pupils for efforts made.

Friday’s assembly is a celebration of good things that have happened during the week and children may be presented with a certificate or the Headteacher’s award for caring and consideration.

Each class also has its own award system.

On the last day of each term various cups, shields and trophies are awarded.  Children are nominated for awards by the teaching staff (although not necessarily the child’s class teacher) and the various nominations from all age groups are discussed at length before an award is decided.

The award can be given for excellence, or a particular achievement in a subject.  They can also be given for good effort and for all round good progress.  The awards themselves have all been given to the school by children or staff who previously attended Burrington, on the occasion of their leaving.

If your child is given an award, they may keep it until the penultimate week of the next term, when it should be returned in a clean condition ready for the next recipient.