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Burrington Primary School



 “Art has the power to transform to illuminate, to educate, inspire and motivate” Harvey Fierstein

At Burrington Church of England School, we are ARTISTS!

At Burrington Church of England School we believe that Art and Design is an integral part of the whole learning process. It stimulates imagination and creativity and allows everyone, at whatever stage of development or ability, to communicate feelings, experiences and emotions in a variety of ways.

According to the National Curriculum, a high-quality Art and Design curriculum should engage, inspire and challenge children, equip them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent, imagine and create works of art, craft and design. At Burrington, we aim to offer our children the opportunity to develop their skills and love of Art and Design by:

· providing them with a balanced programme of skills and techniques through a structured Art and Design curriculum;

· building their cultural capital by developing their awareness of the artistic styles and traditions of different cultures, traditions and eras;

· offering opportunities to explore and understand the visual and tactile elements of art and craft in structured and exploratory contexts;

· developing their understanding of and skills in using a range of techniques and processes;

· offering opportunities to work independently and collaboratively, in two and three dimensions and on different scales;

· valuing their work through discussion and display.


At Burrington, there are six half-termly units of work for each class, based on a key movement in art history. All classes focus on the same movement which, as well as facilitating the sharing of ideas and resources between staff, allows the children to become more fully immersed in the theme through seeing the interpretations and approaches adopted across the rest of the school. We follow a three-year cycle to ensure a broad coverage of skills, techniques and styles. Planning is progressive and skills are revisited from Early Years to Year 6 to ensure children have a deeper understanding of concepts and techniques. Knowledge, skills and understanding are built upon through seven areas of experience:

· painting

· collage

· sculpture

· drawing

· printing

· textiles

· digital media

Within each discipline, our aim is to gradually extend the breadth of content, increase the depth of knowledge and improve the quality of responses and outcomes.

Whilst following whole school units, we believe that children’s experiences influence their inspiration for Art and Design and that our wider curriculum should harness the vast array of artistic contexts for children to develop their natural creativity. As such, teachers at Burrington have the flexibility to adapt and respond to the requirements of their class and make quality cross-curricular links to individual class topics where relevant. For example, when studying the topic ‘Extreme Earth’, a cross-curricular link is made to ‘The Great Wave’ by Hokusai; in RE, children explore Islamic art when studying the unit, ‘Expression of Beliefs’.

 At Burrington, we are committed to equality of opportunity regardless of race, cultural background, ability or any physical or sensory disability. As such, we teach Art and Design to all children, whatever their ability and art planning takes into account the targets set for children in their individual action plans.

Children’s progress through the different units of the Art and Design taught each half term is formatively assessed by teachers. The subject lead monitors planning and progress which involves scrutiny of children’s work as well as pupil and staff discussions.

From Year 2 the children receive an ‘Art and DT’ sketch book which they use to practise art skills and make notes. These books travel with them as they progress through the school from year to year. They are used by the children as a tool to help them to review and modify their skills and knowledge learnt from previous Art and Design units.


Our curriculum is designed to ensure that when the children leave Burrington, they will have gained knowledge and appreciation of the key movements in art history, thereby building on their cultural capital. The children will achieve the levels of attainment they deserve through well-planned lessons, encouragement and enthusiasm. They will build the resilience and determination to aim to produce high-quality final outcomes across a range of experiences. They will have a bank of ideas and experiences logged in their ‘Art and DT’ books of which they can feel proud.

We want our children to realise that art is for everyone and offers the ability to communicate and express their ideas and feelings in many ways. Above all, we aim to instil in our children an intrinsic love of Art and Design.